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Who I am


My name is Michael Friend, but most people call me Mike. I’m 21 years old and I’m from Venice, FL. I am in my third year in college, but my second at Santa Fe. I attended a small private school called North Central College in the suburbs of Chicago for my freshman year. I am an Anthropology major and will be serving in the Americorps in October.


Why I do this


Currently I am striving for my associates degree in Anthropology. I could see myself doing a number of different things for a living but the most important thing at the moment is getting that degree. My aspirations are travel as much as I can to see who I want to be and what I want to do in life. The most interesting thing to me about my major is getting the opportunity see the world and learn something new about the world every day. I also consider myself to be very good working with people and have a background in health care. I currently work as a delivery driver at Gumby’s Pizza to help me get through school. Most of my time spent outside of class is spent working; I work very hard for very little, but it should pay off in the long run. I also like playing and watching all sports, fishing, spending time with my family.


What I can do for you


Upon graduating in the Spring I have committed to 11 months of service in the Americorps. I will be stationed in Denver,CO for one month and will be in the American Southwest for the next 10. I am most interested in studying the Native American population. I would also be interested in helping with poverty alleviation and rural education. 

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